2017 Spring ISEED

2017 Spring ISEED
Training class at the IFI Office

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Hi January !

“It is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose” (Phil 2:13)

“My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus” (Phil 4:19)  

The passing few months turn out very tough for me. Everything did not go smoothly as I though. Whenever I get the hope up, and I watch them fall every time. Most of the time, I am over-confident about concurring them. So I trust my own wisdom and my own “diligence” rather than God’s wisdom, and I am too faithful to some practical stuff rather than God. After several days and nights, I was over too burdensome and burst out. Why can’t I overcome those?

During the Master life study and my own daily devotion, those two verses give me a hint and solution of my past action. Yes, I over trust my own wisdom and did not depend on God. My life was stuffed with many other things and eventually there is no plenty of room for God’s words. What I should do is depending on God and asking him what is the plan he prepares for me. He has a marvelous plan for me according to his good purpose. He will meet all my needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. In the future, I will continuously ask God and please him.

Cannot wait for the rest of the ISEED time. 

Monday, January 26, 2015


This time, I chose to share with you what God has been teaching me throughout this month: PATIENCE.  

I am sure many of us are familiar with ISAIAH 40 :31 which says " but they who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength;they shall mount up with wings like eagles;they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."  God has really lead me to meditate on this particular verse for the last few weeks. 

At the beginning of the year, I asked God to build in me one important character which I seem to be lacking (immensely). I have been going through some major ups and downs in my life and sometimes I find myself doubting God's powerful hand MAINLY because I want HIM to act now rather than me patiently wait for HIS perfect timing. So I have been praying for the Lord to help me to always look up to heaven for encouragement when times get tough. I want to be able to ALWAYS bless HIS name in the midst my waiting/ when the skies look dim and grey.  As I was "ranting" about how God sometimes seems to be taking forever to come through for me , one of my best friends sent me a beautiful poem by Calvin Hart which I want to share with you. It was, in some ways, an eye opener; I had to pause for a couple of seconds and digest all the TRUTHS Calvin sheds light on in this poem. My best friend also reminded me that " Flowers bloom when rain falls". 

So, my encouragement to you (and myself) is that we should always remember that God NEVER falls short of His word, we just gotta be PATIENT as hard as it is.

I hope you enjoy this poem as much as I did. Be blessed!

Here goes the poem : 

Sometimes we lack patience,
When things don't go our way, 
Then we do things that we should not do, 
And say things that we should not say.

Sometimes when we lack patience, 
We throw a temper fit, 
We lose our cool and self-control, 
And resort to scream and hit.

Sometimes our patience is tested, 
By things that our children will do. 
But remember, they are just children, 
They do not understand like you.

Sometimes when we are weary, 
Our patience won't last very long. 
Then we tend to snap at others, 
Though we know that we are wrong.

Patience is certainly a virtue, 
It's a matter of self-control. 
Patience is something you practice, 
And apply with the warmth of your soul.

Where would we be if Jesus, 
Lost patience with us, His children. 
And left us alone to fend for ourselves, 
What a mess we would all be in.

Patience is a big part of a Christian's life, 
We must be diligent in witness and prayer, 
If our hearts are filled with Christian love, 
Then patience will also be there.

So be patient with those you are leading, 
To the loving arms of the Lord. 
Good things come to those who wait, 
Your patience will have it's reward.
~ Calvin Hart ~

Monday, January 12, 2015

Living Christmas tree play

On 12/04/14, Grace Polaris Church hosted a Living Christmas Tree (LCT) play. Several of us attended and it was such a great and well put together play. It was a wonderful opportunity for me to get to connect with a student 1-1 in order to hopefully be able to disciple the student. The student I invited is not a believer yet but that was her second time to the play which she thoroughly enjoyed. Even though, it was her second time to attend, she was still fascinated by the “intricacy of the play” and was moved by the story of the prodigal son. On our way back, we spent quite a great bit talking about the play, what we liked and it was an opportunity for me to ask her if there was anything she did not understand. What intrigued me the most is that the student said she was “greatly reminded of how much God loves her” and so many times she sees herself as“ a prodigal daughter but God still loves her unconditionally”. I was touched by her honest comment and I asked her if she had heard and/or read the story of the prodigal son and her reply was “I am actually studying the book of Luke and I just read Luke 15 not too long ago”. Turns out the student “tries to read her bible on a daily basis because she find comfort in the word of God” she added. I shared with her my personal story which she found encouraging and I am hoping to have more opportunities to meet & connect with this student.

Last but not least, I was also personally reminded of God’s unconditional love to all HIS children. I do not have to perform to earn God’s love, He loves me as I am. I thought the cast did an incredible job. The last scene where everyone was dressed in white painted a picture of heaven when we will be with Jesus singing, dancing and praising His name. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

BYE 2015

2014 is the unforgettable and milestone year. I can’t forget the moment when I received the acceptance letter from IFI of being an intern. I can’t forget the moment when I was holding my diploma from University of Cincinnati in graduate apparel. I also can’t forget the moment that I was touched by the enthusiasm and hospitality from all IFI staff and my host family. 
For the 2015, I anticipate that I could grow more in faith and speak the truth in love. I anticipate that I could get the offer letter from graduate school finish ISEED program. I endured a hard time at the end of 2014.During that period; I was very depressed and hopeless. I did not ask God for his help very often. It comes out with an even worse situation. Even now I still assume that I did not totally free from those hardships. However, I entrust God has a great plan for me and he will lead me to the brightness. Please pray for me!
Wish you a happy and fruitful 2015! God bless you all!