I want to share with you something that touched my heart and helped me move closed to God.
Last Sunday the message in church was about Mark 1:21-27.
They went to Capernaum, and when the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach. The people were amazed at his teaching, because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law. Just then a man in their synagogue who was possessed by an impure spirit cried out, “What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!”
I have always read this story focusing on the evil spirit and the miracle performed. The pastor asked "Who is this man?" For the very first time I started thinking about his life: Who was him? How was for him to live with an evil spirit? Was he living the life he wanted?
Maybe, he was a man who used to go to church regularly. A man that every week would go to the synagogue and come back home unchanged! How sad that is! The truth is that religion does not set people free! His practices and his traditions were not helping him to live a better life!
The real life changing experience only happens when he meets Jesus.
Our past experiences, our childhood, some relationships have left wounds in our hear. Because of our pain, we have left space to Satan to create strongholds, places of thinking, based on lies, that control us and that are against the Kingdom of God. The pastor mentioned that one of the most common stronghold is rejection. It usually starts when we are babies, and is related to our interaction with our parents, and the desire to be up to their expectations. Right after that, fear comes. We live in fear of not being sufficient, to loose the affection and love from the ones we love. That leads to anger and, ultimately, to the stronghold of control.
Since I started my Master Life classes two years ago and joined the ISEED program many things have changed in my life. I can confidently say that I am not the person I was years ago and I am grateful to God for the work of the Holy Spirit in me. I have been through the Inner healing course and the steps to freedom in Christ (two courses that are part of the ISEED Program) and I have seen great deliverance from God, specially in the areas of rejection, fear and anger. I realized that those feelings and reactions do not define me. I am a new creature in Him and that I can live the life and freedom He wants for me.
But for the first time, last Sunday I realized that not all the strongholds had be addressed. The last one was still there. I finally realized that my tendency to "perfection" both on me and on others is not from God. Of course, it's good to have the desire to help others in becoming a better person, but I could sense frustration and disappointment in my words every time I would suggest someone to do something that for me was pretty clear and "absolutely right". I realized that I haven't been talking out of truth and love, but only in a judgmental tone and attitude.
That's why I immediately asked for prayer. I replaced the lies in my head with the truths from the Bible. Instead of thinking "You should know best. If you know and still do what is wrong you deserve to be treated harshly", I should focus on Jesus reaction to Peter's denial: He didn't scold him, but forgave him and look at his potential.
I asked God to forgive me for my hard heart and to give me His love and compassion and I know he did!
Do you, like I did, struggle with rejection, fear, anger or control? Do you have any areas in you character that you wish was different? Go to Jesus and experience His freedom!