2017 Spring ISEED

2017 Spring ISEED
Training class at the IFI Office

Monday, April 27, 2015

Live Victoriously: Masterlife reflection

In light of our last masterlife class, I thought it would be quite fitting to reflect on one (among many) thing I am taking away from this amazing, life-changing class. We were going through the second book “The Disciple’s personality” which explains how to become more Christlike in character, behavior and attitudes. It is a six week study which focuses mainly on how we should invite Christ to transform our “character into Christlikeness through the work of the holy spirit.”  During the last week, the author focuses more on how to LIVE VICTORIOUSLY.  Allow me to share with you the scripture-memory verse that was ascribed to this same week:  “DO NOT LET SIN REIGN INTO YOUR MORTAL BODY SO THAT YOU OBEY ITS EVIL DESIRES. DO NOT OFFER THE PARTS OF YOUR BODY TO SIN, AS INSTRUMENTS OF WICKEDNESS BUT RATHER OFFER YOURSELVES TO GOD, AS THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN BROUGHT FROM DEATH TO LIFE, AND OFFER THE PARTS OF YOUR BODY TO HIM AS INSTRUMENTS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS” Rom.6:12-13 .  These verses pretty much sum up how one can live victoriously (especially in this fallen world).
So why did this strike me more than anything else, you might be wondering… Because I feel as though I am yet to start living victoriously. My life has been revolving around some type of fear to fully submit to God’s authority, hence, failure to live a victorious life. I used to feel this excruciating fear anytime I started thinking about God’s authority over my life. I would start weighing things I would have to let go vs. what I could gain; basically comparing the incomparable things: There is no such thing as submitting yourself under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. It brings with it so much joy, satisfaction and strength to endure challenges. So, failing to yield to God’s authority lead to confusion and lack of the willpower to let Christ transform my character. One truth is that God will let us have our ways because He has given us the freedom of choice but He will NEVER change his ways. I needed a renewed mind from the futility of my thinking because I [like you] was bought with a price and was brought from death to life.
Going through the Disciple’s Personality book has left me with nothing but cravings for a more renewed mind; but Jesus and I make a very unbeatable team so we are working really hard on this. I want to develop a more Chistlike character which will ultimately allow me to live victoriously. A lot of us find ourselves trapped in entitlement bondage, where we think we deserve this and that and when we do not get whatever it is that we want, we start “rebelling” against God… at least I know I am like this a good number of times; that’s why I need a renewed mind.
Let me end on this note, sometimes we lose focus of our identity and goals and start looking for comfortable things and we tend to revert to the old self when things get tough.  One’s true identity is found in Christ alone. We all should be striving to be more like Christ and learn more about ourselves daily.  The younger generation seem to have time to keep up with the Kardashians rather than keeping up with themselves.  In order to live victoriously, we need to stay in tune with who we are in the Lord, Jesus Christ.

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