2017 Spring ISEED

2017 Spring ISEED
Training class at the IFI Office

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

God’s fingerprints

As I have already told you, the meal with the staff is my favorite part in this ISEED Program ever. At the table, in fact, I have listened to people’s personal experiences, the story of their conversion, how they have met their spouse, the way God has led them close to Him in good and bad times. Gathering around the table, sharing food (amazing food!) seems the key to open life on life relationships, to build on friendships, to get to know one another, and, ultimately, to feel the Father’s heart.
That’s what happened to me last Monday at Phil and Ellen’s house. I have known them for several months, but that was the first time at their home, the first time that we were talking in a more personal way, touching important points. Between courses, I heard their honest and sincere stories, the family environments they grew up in, the difficulties and victories, their first meeting, the first date and all those things girls are so interested in. It was so good to see how God was guiding everything in such a perfect way! But more than the romance and the love I could clearly see in their eyes, I was touched by a phrase Ellen said: “Even if now I cannot yet see the happy ever after, I will not forget God’s finger prints on my path”. She was stating that no matter how dark a situation can seem, despite all the winds can blow against you, still God is in control and He works all the things for the good of those who love Him. In fact, even if the present does not show any proof of a brighter tomorrow, this does not mean that our Lord forsakes us. Looking back, we can see His faithfulness, His confirmations, His fingerprints and this gives us the strength to keep believing, to hold on and not to give up. Her words reminded me of the altar the prophet Samuel erected (1 Sam. 7:12) to leave a testimony of God’s goodness:

Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, "Thus far the LORD has helped us."

I think this stone was to help people remember that as God had been a shelter in the past, so He would have been in the future.
Look back. Can you see God’s fingerprints? What is your Ebenezer?
Thank God for all the times He has shown me His presence and support in ways so amazing and miraculous that I can affirm with confidence that it was Him!

1 comment:

  1. Bravo! So beautiful! I remember Ellen said to us that "remember God's faithfulness if we are in a hard situation." Praise God!
