I am studying listening prayer with Keren Oliver and it is
so much a blessing to have this class with her.
We meet every Friday and I hope every day is Friday in a week.
At first, it seems a little bit challenge for me to ‘listen’
to God. Mostly I pray to God about my concerns in the beginning of the day, I
then just leave God and go to handle my things. I did not really have time to
listen to God and got the feedback from Him. It was challenging to believe that
I can silence the other voices and hear God’s voice clearly.

I want to share with you what I experienced last week. I got
admitted to Master of Business Logistics Engineering program in Fisher College
and I will begin my study in this coming August. I need scholarship yet I knew
Fisher College does not provide scholarship for international students in this
program. I shared this to Karen and she challenged me by asking me to pray to
God and listen to Him on the next day. I waited for several days and finally I
did what she told to me on the next Tuesday, yet I did not hear back clearly
immediately. I asked God to show me if it is his plan for me to study in Fisher
College. Then I send an email to Fisher College and asked them if there is any
scholarship available. Much to my surprise, I received one email saying that
every student will get some scholarship and they will tell me how much
scholarship I am receiving on that day. I received another email by the end of
the day saying that I am getting a 10,000 scholarship, which is the highest
scholarship Fisher College provide for students in MBLE program. I just cannot
stand to burst into tear and sing worship songs to God. My heart was effusive
in my gratitude. I am so thankful that God replied my prayer in such an
immediate and direct way. I am also thankful that He know fulfill my needs.
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