2017 Spring ISEED

2017 Spring ISEED
Training class at the IFI Office

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

A Trip to Heartbeat International Inc.

This post is written by Yuemin:

On Oct 22nd, Estera and three ISEEDers are invited to have a field trip to Heartbeat International Inc. Ellen Foell, who work, as the legal specialist in this company, led us visit the entire company, introduced with every staff within this company and gave us an inspired presentation about the value of life.

Heartbeat International is a non-profit organization to assist women all over the world to escape the temptation and pressure to abort their babies. It has 200 affiliates all around the world. The mission of Heartbeat Inc. is to diminish the occurrence of abortion and take every opportunity to rescue as much life as they can. In order to fulfill their mission, Heartbeat Inc. set up the 24 hour contact center and cutting-edge website for those women who are vulnerable with abortion. Also, they build increasingly number of pregnancy center all around the world.

After visiting the whole company, Ellen gave us a presentation about The Value of The Life. I was impressed about this presentation. Previously, I did not know how harmful the abortion is, however, I really renewed my mind after this presentation. The embryo has the heartbeat after 7 weeks, but many of them are killed due to many reasons. Needless to say, abortion is absolutely equivalent to murder. In some less developed country, some motion life honor killing case the increase rate of abortion. Every single life is the masterpiece of God, but why does human-being cruelly wipe them out. Currently, the abortion rate goes up annually in the worldwide. Heartbeat Inc. makes every effort to make contribution in saving as many babies as they can. Their motion of selflessness touched me tremendously.

In the future, wherever I am in United States or China, I have the strong willing to try my best to help with anti- abortion and save many babies. 

Monday, October 27, 2014

Protecting God's artwork

Discipling Students to value life.

Last Wednesday, we visited Heartbeat International whose vision is “To make abortion unwanted today and unthinkable for future generations”.  It was such a privilege to visit this Christian organization because it is always encouraging to know that God is still raising people who can stand in “defense of his most valuable artwork”.

There is such an overwhelming rise of abortion rate around the world; it is so sad and unfortunate to see God’s artwork get destroyed every day. As Ellen Foell said: “The transformation of every human being into the image of Jesus is the ongoing work of God. When we cut off life, at either end, we are cutting off the work of God.” When a baby is conceived, God starts to intricately weave his/her life together for a great purpose. Seeing how much the abortion rate has gone up makes me wonder what God must be feeling. Have you ever spent hours working on something for e.g knitting, art, drawing or whatever it might be and then just before your work is completed someone comes and smashes everything up and literally “cut your work short”?.  It really hurts. So, I cannot image how God feels when his work gets demolished while He was just getting started. But, being a merciful God, He still loves us unconditionally and He never gets “discouraged.”

I was very touched by Ellen’s passion to hopefully one day be able to “eradicate” abortion worldwide; I could see it through her words. It is about time for more Christians to partake in advocating for life to be preserved and make the anti-abortion stance part of a larger pro-life worldview. The global society needs more organizations, people like Ellen (and her co-workers or as I call them WARRIORS) to speak against abortion and save that which God intends to flourish (life). 
We are all called to create a better world for babies to be born. Abortion is such a controversial issue and it should not be. Unfortunately, so many people still believe aborting a baby is a choice and human right. If I can quote Ellen: “When do our human rights become human WRONGS?” How painful is it that, in our society, it has become easier to hold up a sign favoring abortion (with a picture of a dead baby on it) but a lot harder to actually show grace and sympathy to a woman who got pregnant? Needs support to keep the baby?

Last but not least, I encourage you (who is reading this) to meditate on Proverbs 24: 10-12:“If you give up when trouble comes, it shows that you are weak. Save those who are being led to their death; rescue those who are about to be killed. If you say, “we don’t know anything about this”, God, who knows what’s in your mind, will notice. He is watching you, and he will know He will reward each person for what he has done”. Me and you can save at least one baby from being aborted today. It is time to ACT.  PRO-LIFE IS THE ONLY CHOICE BECAUSE IT IS GOD’S CHOICE. 

My prayer is that God continues to raise among us if not all of us pro-life activists with a heart to protect the most vulnerable.  


Last Wednesday, I had a chance to visit "Heartbeat International", a pro-life non-profit organization with other ISEEDers. I appreciate that IFI exposes us to other ministry and helps us see God's wonderful work. It was an unexpected experience for me and struck me personally. 

For those who don't know about this organization just like I did, its mission is to reach and rescue as many lives as possible, around the world, through an effective network of pregnancy help ministries that renew their communities for life. I didn't have any knowledge regarding the topic of abortion except knowing some people around me who had that experience. 

Isn't it a good reminder that every one of us are so precious in God's eye? He looked at His creation with a big smile and thought it's good. He loves even the unborn baby in the mom's womb. However, because of the fallen world and our sin nature, we lots of times make wrong decisions that upset and irritate God. One of those decisions is abortion. 

We watched the video together about a young lady's decision to abort her child because of broken marriage. Something happened and stopped her drink the herbal stuff that would kill the baby. It turned out that the baby became the laster well-known pianist Beethoven. 

The idea is not that people are killing the talented. It is rather that everybody has intrinsic value. Everyone is God's masterpiece. God's work is to transform every single human being into the image of Jesus. 

My application is that I will treat everybody equally with respect regardless of their status through God's help and conviction. Secondly, like Ellen said, do what God does. 
He protects and values life so we do. He loves people so we do. 

The whole workshop reminded me of my friend who told me about her abortion. I want to pray for her to know Christ and that she will not be ashamed but have the faith that she will be a new creation in Christ.