2017 Spring ISEED

2017 Spring ISEED
Training class at the IFI Office

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Let's Talk About Love and Relationships

The change of priorities in life is the one of the biggest differences that I experienced after becoming a Christian.

Growing up in a society that stresses the importance of getting ahead and competing against other people, I used to focus so much on personal growth and advancement. My time mainly went towards personal entertainment, studying, classes that would make me "smarter" and "more competitive", gaining experiences, etc. It is not to say that making yourself a better person is wrong. The problem is that, I spent too much time to make the world revolve around me, and neglected the relationships I have with other people.

We were taught that it is okay to not to things that you promised if there is a conflict of interests, in other words, it is okay to be selfish. So I chose to stay in my comfort zone and was sometimes justifying my selfish reasons to choose to focus on me instead of spending time with friends and family.

This is the exact opposite that Jesus would do. In fact, He is the perfect model of relationship. The relationship that He has with the Father and His disciples are serving as the example that we all should follow. He stretched himself and made time to stay with his disciples. His love is never for himself but for people around Him and the Father. The inability to love other people is the reason of the wrong focus that I had when I was younger.

Jesus tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves. This love is based on our hearts to serve them selfishlessly, to truly value and to spend time with them and build relationships. He came down on the earth with one purpose, to serve as the ultimate sacrifice and provide the only way for us to restore our broken relationship with the Father. It is out of His perfect love for us, and for relationship.

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